Saturday, March 03, 2007

What Shape Are You In ?

I have been interested in Penrose Tiles for some time.

I use them in the privacy (I am an adult after all) of my own computer to generate patterns, pretty pictures if you will.

The fact that reproducing these shapes will cover all of 2D space aperiodically if it is 5 fold rotational symmetry is one of properties of these figures. Interesting, I hear you say, but what is that to do with the price of porter.

Well it seems that Your Medieval Islamic Tiler (YMIT) knew this long before I stumbled across it after reading Roger Penrose, who described their structures and their properties mathematically. Very interesting I hear you say again but what about that pint of porter. Well I have the benefit of a creaky old computer that goes boggler, boggler before carrying out rotations and translations at my command. Roger Penrose has a first class brain with the accumulated knowledge of centuries of mathematicians and physicists at his disposal.

YMIT would have been blessed with a straight edge, a protractor and bits of string. Oh and I suppose the odd tea break with the benefit of a fag with heaven knows what in it.

Do have a look at the pictures!