Thursday, February 14, 2019

Ain't DNA Wonderful

This is what DNA gets up to when no one is, usually, looking.
Clever Stuff!

(I suppose you could call it a hard boiled egg, 6 minutes... Ed?)

Many thanks to Memex, as usual.

Monday, February 04, 2019

Early Morning Guardianing

Ariel Dorfman hits the nail on the head with opinions about Roma, Alfonso Cuaron's film, in the Grauniad. ( have you ever noted that Roma is Amor in reverse, I thought being a Crosswordy type you would have that spotted right away...Ed?) No, I had not and if you don't get out of those PJs I will have a few cross words to say; half the morning has gone already.

Also the Guardian suggests  an idea that 'Little Matty' should be pursuing with some vigour in relation to the high cost of medication that holds users to ransom  -
... parents and the medicines group Just Treatment are urging the government to invoke “crown use”, allowing it to make cheap versions and pay Vertex a smaller sum in compensation. This would be very unusual, but not unprecedented. The principle that intellectual property rules cannot automatically outweigh health considerations is well established, and not only in public opinion; it is recognised in the WTO’s Doha declaration of 2001.
Good games on Saturday but...
And now a word from our sponsors:-
When forwards back and centres drift three quarters kick the can.
The day will end as best it must. A pint of plain is your only man!

(Do we get paid for that sort of thing and are we not at danger of being pursued by the Literary Executors of Himself...Ed?)
Imitation is the greatest form of flattery and don't talk to me about money when you are sat there half dressed at this time of the morning. Casual dress for home workers is one thing but crimes of fashion are another!