Friday, November 13, 2020

Crime and Publishment

 I might have mentioned before that I enjoy a good thriller and at this time sinking into a tale of murder, mystery and mayhem offers a measure of reassurance that all is well with the world. 

 I have recently finished 'A Simple Story' by Leonardo Sciascia. Just 40 pages of pure joy. It is a tale of Sicily that manges to capture the land, the language, criminality and society without descending into excess or cliche. Andrea Camilleri has made a great job of writing about ordinary decent criminals with that backdrop. Sciascia nails it for ordinary decent organised criminals,  and how the psychology of that thing of theirs denatures society just as the sulphurous atmosphere of the island corrodes the copper pans in a kitchen. Great stuff. Off you go then, order it from your local library!

Wednesday, November 04, 2020

America! Politics! They do things differently there!

 Dave Winer made the comment below on his Blog:-

Joe Biden could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot Donald Trump and I would still vote for him.

Not sure I would agree with that and not only because I don't have a pig in the race, or a vote anyway.

Dave Winer, who he? Well he's blogging today after his blog has been running for: 26 years, 0 months, 28 days, 10 hours, 0 minutes, 1 second.  I guess he is a blogger amongst other things. 

(So we need to get a shift on then... Ed) I have only the slightest knowledge of relativity but I'm pretty sure we can't subject the poor man to time dilation, possibly.