Tuesday, October 30, 2007

A Near Perfect Autumn Day

Yet another local holiday for the season!

For Everyone For Ever, Amen

The National Distrust does provide a beautiful backdrop for the odd day out with the family.

Pink  pProud and been around

A bit delicate for some sensibilities. There is something about the colour and composition of this. Nuffin to do wiv me guv 'onest.

Not quite 'Ackney Marshes

A late afternoon view from the balcony!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

To a mouse.

Here live beasties

First thing today, as I filled the kettle, I saw a wee beastie being bullied by the spadgers. The following came to my mind.

Wee, sleekit, cow’rin’, tim’rous beastie,

Oh, what a panic’s in thy breastie!

Thou need na start awa sae hasty,

Wi’ bickering brattle!

I wad be laith to rin an’ chase thee

Wi’ murd’ring pattle!

It was a feeling that persisted.

Nice one Rabbi!
Burns that is.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

A Walk in the Woods

Bogey Fungus

It is surprising what you find in our neck of the woods.

A pleasant little dander from the Grauniad’s Bumper Book of Bimbles for Boys.

Sweet little pigs. Are they Chipolatas?Chipolatas

We ended up on the river Alde and there was the Spritsail Barge ready to take us off into the sunset!Sailing By

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Didn't we do well?

So an interesting series of matches at the weekend!
I am surprised, but why should I be, by the domestic disharmony that the sport of Rugby can engender in households. Our East African co-respondent reports some contention about the England Oz Match!
Life in our neck of the woods has been little better. However, I don't think it was my comment about the Scots defeat. I, who would normally support the Scots against all but the English, opined that I could not bear to see them win as the thought of Frank Haddon smiling would drive me to an early grave!

A real senior moment, screaming for the French! C'mon Thumpy. Eh!

He came on late in the match but almost his first intervention was turnover ball!
A gallic shrug, a foul smelling fag, the reek of garlic in the air, a discussion of the post modern structuralist position and oh, we seem to have won! Mon dieu! All Black, what is zis All Black. Do you 'ave a position on existentialism? Mais Non! Steve Bell why do you spend all your time crucifying politicians they're not worth it.

More later!

Thursday, October 04, 2007

A quiet week in Buddhist Pizza Land!

Thanks, once again to John Naughton for dredging up the dark corners of humanity that lurk about us. We used to worry about the Military Industrial Complex - what about the Mercenary-Evangelical Complex. Read all about it - Blackwaters run deep and deadly.

Again from John
quoting reports -

Last week–after images of the beatings of Buddhist monks and the killing of a Japanese photographer leaked out via the Internet–Burma’s military rulers took the ultimate step, apparently physically disconnecting primary telecommunications cables in two major cities, in a drastic effort to stop the flow of information from Burma to the rest of the world. It didn’t completely work: some bloggers apparently used satellite links or cellular phone services to get information outside the country.

While some of our media concentrate on complaints about bananas in Norwich!

Good to see that the ingenuity of the human spirit is still able to confront the barbarians.


A happy and a blessed weekend to you all!