Thursday, March 21, 2019

Erskine May and then he may not.

It may not be helpful but has anyone noticed the similarity between the family name of our leading parliamentary strategician (of the 19th century... Ed!) and our own dear PM? The sun in our hearts, our great leader, our great helmsperson, the sun in ou... (Get on with it if you would I have a dentist to see in about 2 hours...Ed.) Would that involve a procedure known as a brexit?
To return to the matter in hand. Could our present difficulties be a rave from the grave? Could the ghost of Erskine be returning to haunt Tess the vacuous? Some family feud unresolved over the years? (Jaysus!What, in the name of all that is good and holy, have you been smoking? That is her hubby's name. She was born a Brasier...Ed) Ah so that's what is smoking. You can't get any decent  coke for the old brassier anymore! Maybe it's a malfunction in her AI that has got us here, but anyroads,Tess I think the best plan is the oldest excuse in the school yard. A big boy did it and ran away!

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Speakers' Wives

What japes! Mr Speaker Bercow intervenes in a long and sorry saga. By their wives' bumper stickers ye shall know them - the eyes to the right the nose to the left.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

The Look of Unlove

I don't often comment on this Brexit Business and the fools, gombeen men and cunctators that have got us to this pretty pass. As the vote went down like a rat sandwich last night we were there, in spirit, listening to the wireless thingy that has  pictures... (Not listening to the Archers then? Missed a cracker...Ed.)
The pictures that emerged afterwards of the 'bloody difficult woman' gently weeping into the back of the Jag brought forth the memory of a comment by a wise colleague at the political demise of a previous female PM. To the statement  "Lord how she has suffered!" he replied "Yes. But not nearly enough!" However, paranoia took over. Do they want to get rid of her? Yes. If they do we are at least in for a very bumpy ride. The legacy of Article 50 without a deal is the quickest way down. Jump!
And with one bound they were free and heading south under the influence of gravity.

And now for something completely different a goat, a goat!
(Is that a Government Of All the ... Ed?)
Time for some T I think, perky, fair trade, organic, reviving and uplifting T.

Sunday, March 03, 2019


A Whats app explosion of collective nouns.
- A parliament of owls - surely its rooks?
- I think it is used for both.
- A dazzle of zebras is the best...
- I like that
- Well, I think owls and rooks might be more efficient than our current parliament.
- Hear, hear. It's just a set of thieving magpies
- Not heard the dazzle before. Good one.
- What about a Confederacy of Dunces
- so good John Kennedy Toole made it into a novel?

- What about a blaze of dragons?
- Dangerous in the current phase of the six nations of Rugby?


'Everybody got to get stoned'

Sam Bennett makes beautiful sculptures on beaches. Lots of cool pics of stones!
Little vid on the shore  or on Instagram if that's your thing.

(Grateful for small murphies...Ed)
Small Potatoes?