Friday, August 17, 2012

Mass, Length and Time

I have just finished Dan Falk's book In Search of Time  and no I don't know what time it is!
He has a lovely quote from Roger Penrose who has had a few thoughts on the matter.   On p240 they are discussing the the Big Bang.  Penrose is troubled by the interpretation of the evidence to suggest that there was a state of thermal eqilibrium at this time. This is a state of the highest entropy or disorder? Our universe has evolved from this!
Penrose seems genuinely troubled - to the extent that one can be troubled by events that happened 14billion years ago. .....
I don't know why people haven't worried  about this more...
( For the love of God, can you not tell us what the time is? ...Ed.)

Well it is Tree Time, of course!

Thursday, August 09, 2012

Reflections on a Republican Future

Time to move on as the Julibumpics draw to a close.
To paraphrase:-
If I were the President of this Land
I would declare total war on the Snollygoster Man
What is a Snollygoster I hear you ask?
Mark Forsyth supplies the answer in a TedX talk at the House of Commons.
Some wry thoughts on the origins of the use of the title President. (POTUS to West Wing fans).
I suspect everyone will be wanting a 'fleet of drones' now. Such a seductive little phrase, such horror now and misery to come!

Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Alas Vermeer

Interesting 'Secret Life of the Artist' by Andrew Graham-Dixon on the Beeb recently  which uses paintings, locations and public records in the Netherlands to lay bare the life of Vermeer. I had always surmised that he was the cliched enigma wrapped in a mystery despite books, films, exhibitions and extensive commentaries; part of the attraction, of course.
    "Andrew Graham-Dixon, travelling to Vermeer's hometown of Delft and a dramatic Dutch landscape of huge skies and windmills, embarks on a detective trail to uncover the life of a genius in hiding.Renowned for painting calm and beautiful interiors, the real life of Vermeer was marred by crime and violence. His life was a bid to escape the privations of his family and yet even a glamorous marriage and artistic success failed to save him from the fate he dreaded more than any other."
When I discovered Vermeer I became intrigued by the use, and the effort, of a painting within a painting.

So there you have it, allegedly, the Last Vermeer, painted while his mother in law screamed at him to sell a few pictures for gods sake if only to repay the money he had possibly stolen from her and pay the baker.

And after Vermeer?
See the photo by John Naughton  at the link.
Very fine snap, a real cracker.

Sunday, August 05, 2012

The End is Nighish

Do I think that Rubberman and Gideon are heading for the taxi?
Is it because they have reneged on the social contract?
Is it because they have lined up cuts that will alienate their voting base?
Is it because they have reduced taxes for their millionaire mates?
Is it because they have bleated ineffectively about tax avoidance?
Is it because they have tasered productive industry?
Is it because they have allowed big finance to run riot?

Possibly, but once someone states that -
You cannot run a modern sophisticated economy the way you run a tuck shop at Eaton*
describing your 2 plus years of government, you have reached the John Major underpants moment.

All Your Big Society - Dave - Belong Our Cones Hotline!

* Jimmy McGovern, Observer Magazine 5/8/12