Thursday, October 04, 2007

A quiet week in Buddhist Pizza Land!

Thanks, once again to John Naughton for dredging up the dark corners of humanity that lurk about us. We used to worry about the Military Industrial Complex - what about the Mercenary-Evangelical Complex. Read all about it - Blackwaters run deep and deadly.

Again from John
quoting reports -

Last week–after images of the beatings of Buddhist monks and the killing of a Japanese photographer leaked out via the Internet–Burma’s military rulers took the ultimate step, apparently physically disconnecting primary telecommunications cables in two major cities, in a drastic effort to stop the flow of information from Burma to the rest of the world. It didn’t completely work: some bloggers apparently used satellite links or cellular phone services to get information outside the country.

While some of our media concentrate on complaints about bananas in Norwich!

Good to see that the ingenuity of the human spirit is still able to confront the barbarians.


A happy and a blessed weekend to you all!