Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Daffs from Turkistan!

So what do you do after a hard morning trying to convince Messrs All and Sundry that Community Land Trusts are 'A Good Thing'?
Poke your eye out with a sharp stick!

Well, I thought I would take a trip to Anglesey Abbey.
Glad I did.

Sunny day, sweet flowers.

The elderly couple with yellow armbands were not flower police. They were friendly, really pleasant and helpful. When requested they pointed out where the flowers came from. I caught up with them later as I hurpled round. They were on a bench chatting about life, the universe and flowers in such a companionable way that I just wanted to go up to them and shake their hands for being human. A brief smile and an exchange to the effect that they were catching their breath! Glad to hear it. As if I felt they might be plotting to enrich uranium in the bowels of the Abbey. You can never be too careful. That Wisteria of Mass Destruction gets everywhere!