Wednesday, March 28, 2007

What we did on our holiday

You've been framed
We declared a national holiday on March 27. You may have missed this. Keep up!

As is traditional on these occasions, we went to the seaside.

I remember going to Blackpool on various saints' days and liturgical milestones. The charabanc would transport us from the classic slum in Salford to the classic seaside resort. To alleviate the tedium of driving through the countryside my mother had various tricks and trucos. My favourite was looking out for the first glimpse of Blackpool Tower. Naturally enough, this could engage a competitive child from the outskirts of Preston!

We hove into Aldeburgh about noon and paid our respects to the Scallop.

Santiago de Composmentis
Nice one Maggi
The work bears the legend:-
"I hear those voices that will not be drowned"

On the instructions for the installation by SCDC:-
"Care should be taken when climbing on or crawling under the sculpture, and children should be carefully supervised."
Needless to say, Lady BP was off climbing and crawling before you could carefully supervise a small child!

A walk through the town and lunch.
On the way back along the prom, money changed hands and a purchase was made carefully wrapped in newspaper.

This later emerged at dinner in the form of green fish curry. Strangely enough, we had most of the ingredients to produce this on a whim. It does go rather well with the Shawsgate Bacchus, This was procured in Wickham Market. Think global, eat (and drink) local!

There should be more national holidays!