Monday, May 04, 2009

Banks! Don't you just love 'em?

John Naughton has a post about being challenged over a cash transaction at a bank. He was asked to produce identity information. A full and frank exchange ensued, allegedly! He goes on to draw conclusions about the treatment of customers (victims?) propounded by one Charles Leadbelly in a linked article for the corner house. All of which is fine and dandy. I, too, hate being treated as dayglow dogpoo by some bureaucratic gobshite; someone more interested in discussing last nights telly/football/holiday plans or the latest prospect/ with his or her fellow employee than offering me the service for which I am undoubtedly paying for through the nose in one way or another. (Glad to get that off the old chest, ahem)

It gets worse, of course, Faisel Rahman sumarises his experience and that of others
In 2003, under pressure from the government, banks created and promised to promote "no frills" basic bank accounts, which wouldn't need a credit check. These offer no interest, are badly promoted, and rarely allow people to step up to better financial products. Consequently, there has been low take-up. Much of this is bad product design and lack of bank enthusiasm for poor clients. For example, at the local high street bank near me, if you have a "basic" account you have to use the telephone service and not the teller; at others, staff don't even know to offer the account.
So lets have a crack at the banks, they are crap at banking, they do not treat all customers fairly,
I have not noticed too many Mr Big's being put away for doing naughty things and their doubloons being confiscated for the benefit of the nation as a result of bank activity, rather the reverse! What can you expect of a financial institution which supported apartheid.