Tuesday, May 26, 2009

How to shoot friends and torture people!

The title it's not mine but it is funny and a first class description of the forthcomming memoirs of the 46th VP of the US of A.
I feel the panic thickening the e-waves and clotting the arteries of the interweb.
Didn't we withdraw the oxygen of democracy and stuff him in the black hole where all failed former politicians go?
Didn't we pour the fast setting concrete of the 24 hour news cycle on his head and forget all about him?

Oh no! What's that creature rising from the swamp, bloody but unbowed?

Ok just lighten up. I prefer to think of him as a bad tempered, smelly, old dog with an anal adenoma and cataracts. Slowly dying but determined to bite anything in his later years that he did not bite in his youth. Yes, he bit you and your dad before you and he still tries to get the postperson.
Wouldn't it be more humane to slip him the needle?
Possibly, but one can indulge in the profession of the right to life of even the lowest of His creatures while watching the beast die, painfully!