Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Relief of Poverty

There have been some reports besmirching the good name of those who work unceasingly and tirelessly to make the world a better place for (all of) us to live in. I do not think that the increase in my salary from £300,000 ( in round figures) to a mere £970,000 over the period 2003 to 2007 is unwarranted, excessive, or in the same kettle of herring as certain other remuneration packages I could mention! For those grubby whistle blowers and dirty delvers I will do the math, as they say. It is an increase of 153 per cent over 4 long, hard and very difficult years. Am I begrudged a yearly increase of 38 per cent, 3 per cent per month or a smidgen over 11 grand each pay day? Any less and it would not be worth leaving the old homestead. Mr Leigh may witter on about not competing for cash and high levels of job satisfaction. It is no joke, poking around some of these hell holes looking for honest Johnnys so we can hand over our ever increasing pile of doubloons. Far better to leave the boodle at home, in the banks.