Sunday, October 24, 2010

El Sistema

A lovely little 15 minutes reading from the Beeb (Radio 4) this evening.

Melody Grove reads 'Peanut Butter and Cello' by Geraldine McCaughrean.
Produced by Eilidh McCreadie.
Read all abaat it here.
A young girl from the favela carries an unexpected burden on a cross-city journey.
Sadly, it's not on the iPlayer but that would only give you a week or so. By then I'm sure the Coalition Forces will have taken over Bush House. There will be grey uniformed militia under the direction of Gauleiter Pickles stamping their jackboots down on the iPlayer. For you Tommy the music has stopped. Now find a place to sit down; but not in inner London! (Didn't we have a run in with Lady Tesco about that before?)

A rare time to contrast El Sistema, which I'm sure some of the braying donkeys on the government benches from Wednesday would laugh at, to the wasteland that will be the cultural legacy of those two idiots McCameroon and the Cleggster.