Saturday, November 07, 2009


It's interesting that Gypsy is a term of abuse; also to be avoided for reasons of political correctness...
and certainly something that readers of the Daily Mail would home in on.

However, some of us don't, necessarily, accept that.
I was taxed, recently, to come up with suggestions for music for a welcome event for Roma in the Northwest of our country. For souls who had come from 'godknowswhere'. Perhaps even Ulster
"Are youse Catholic Gypsys or Protestant Gypsys? Sure we mean no harm but we have to know!"
I thought about all the usual supects and came up with Taraf de Haidouks.

That will knock their pretty little Roma socks off; hmm....

When the CD was returned I was amused that one of the younger Roma kids pointed out a member of the band and well....
- you know the rest!

Anyway, all of which is a means of introducing...

Walking Wounded

Try the Gypsy Dance and tell me that you don't get it!