Sunday, February 04, 2007

Six Nations One Family!

It is that time of year again. Lady Buddhist Pizza suspends her normal, industrious, modest, sober and vegetarian way of life to spend the weekends glued to the TV watching large men with large thighs wrestling in mud and giving voice to opinions that bring a blush even to my coarsened cheeks! In addition to the Freudian implications of this exhibition, there is the delicate matter of nationalism. As we all know, there is no such thing as delicate nationalism. (There must be a collective noun or other description of such phenomena which are theoretically possible but are never likely to be observed in the wild; I have been told subtle geologist is another.)

Yesterday's fixture was fraught. England v Scotland! I cowered in the corner as the family ( Lady BP) favourite Scotland, went down to the old enemy England. I was then forced onto the defensive. Though I maintain I am a citizen of the world, an internationalist and I was born in Hope! Hope hospital in Salford; that makes me an imperialist oppressor.

Today was a little easier as the Irish team underwhelmed the Welsh. I think we were both inclined to support the green contenders. There was some havering over bulging cambrian thighs and neanderthal brows and my ready dismissal of the minor order of Celts but the outcome for the Irish was acceptable.

Two further points. A modest score!

It didn't happen in this game but I am sure I have heard in the past the commentator voice....

O'Gara, O'Driscoll, O'Connell, O'Callaghan...... O bugger he dropped it.

During the match we received a text from an interested member of the family which read

Touch, pause, engage, bolox!....

So the new arrangement has not found favour with us all.
Well , when the Argentinians take it up they may have something to challenge the Tango!