Sunday, January 22, 2012


Brain Pickings blogs about the Information Diet by Clay A Johnson - Website here.
One for the List, I think.
It got me to think about books, ideas, morality, mortality(easily confused when you are approaching the OAP first payment. Four months since you ask)
I have an ever growing pile of books that I can access from my bed, in extremis. Last acquisition The Night Train to Lisbon 30p was rescued from the for sale trolley at Suffolk Libraries. I always feel virtuous about this as I know that my enlightened local authority may burn so called 'surplus' books when it thinks it can but will probably torture them first (breaking their spines and pulling out indices with pliers, shudder!) Maybe I can set up an underground railway to rescue the poor volumes.

I am also acquiring electrons that I can read on my devices with free software!
I have a project to read Ulysees again.  ( By Jimmy Joyce. I feel the need to specify as Lady BP and I had a rather confused conversation about this the other day at the table when she enquired as to why I had developed this sudden interest in the Greek classical works as well as the Greek economy!) I can at the same time listen to an audio version. I think this would be interesting Lady BP thinks I'm mad

My Read Later subscription  gets longer and longer.

However, in such projects and acquisitions dead trees, electrons, reading lists and good intentions there is a specter. A friend and colleague, not usually gloomy, confessed that she had done the math and assuming an average life expectancy (I would wish her more) there was a figure you could compute reading on average volumes a year as to the maximum number you could get through before you popped your library ticket!

Hmmm... Maybe I need to think about my Information Diet.