Friday, January 13, 2012

Happy Fines

The Pinkun' (FT January 12, 2012 9:55 pm SFO targets criminal company dividends.)  reports that Inspector Knacker has felt the collar of Mabey Engineering Holding to the tune of £131,201. (No, I'm not suggesting bribery and corruption at the SFO!) This is claimed to be the dividend paid by Mabey & Johnson,  which has previously admitted to corruption. According to the FT, it is the first time the boys in pinstripe have tried to recover proceeds of crime from UK dividends.
Small Beer - Large Brewery!

Allo, Allo, Allo!
Mr Buddhist Pizza would you mind explaining this item on your bank statement?
"Payment via Banco Cayenne of dividend by Narcotraficantes Colombia SSA - $1,000,000.01"

Err, not without assistance from my financial and legal advisors.
(Note to Ed. Who let those jackbooted, pinstriped, storm troopers in? I mean pink silk ties and red braces!)