Monday, October 03, 2011

Riotous Behaviour in Church

An article in the LRB, -Runagately Rogue by Tobias Gregory (Vol. 33 No. 16 · 25 August 2011 page 30) - a review of
The Plain Man’s Pathways to Heaven: Kinds of Christianity in Post-Reformation England, 1570-1640 by Christopher Haigh,
caught my eye. Much to inform and amuse even an old atheist like myself. Also, a way into the life, times and words of the 'plain people of England '
I particularly enjoyed the litany of misdemeanors below,
drunkenness, brawling, gossiping, vomiting, scoffing at the minister, pissing in another man’s hat (Leigh, Essex, 1627),
Can't quite see it in the local congregation, not enough men for one thing. Though as I do not attend I could be doing them a great disservice, until the next funeral!

The implication in the quote, of course, is that there would be no offence in relief in ones own headgear; long sermons in those days!