Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A Cure for Elephants

And another one bites the dust.
So some kack handed jihadi nearly caused major mayhem.
Was he a sneaky sleeper, a person well guarded in speech and behaviour? Did his cover include tea at the vicarage and speaking regularly at the WI. Up to a point Agent Copper.
What were the spooks doing? You may well ask but are likely to be told that the brave lads and lassies were doing all manner of things to save the country, nay western civilisation and very possibly humanity itself. What might that be? Couldn't tell you Gov, might have to kill you if I did and besides we are only providing information through the orifices of a certain Mr Assangle, under contract.

This has always struck me as being a powerful argument. Very much the same as my claim to have found a cure for elephants which can be very big and very troublesome.

I have an arrangement of stones in my back garden which, with the secret incantation muttered at the dead of night to a timetable involving the phases of the moon, has kept our garden, in the depths of Suffolk, elephant free for years. There are no equivocations, ifs, buts, or other mendacity beloved of politicios. This has worked! (Patent Applied For.)