Saturday, November 06, 2010

A Good Time Had By All

These are interesting times.
These are momentous times.
These times will be remembered.
I hope that the incident here, in which Paul Farelly MP allegedly defends his honour, integrity and physical person in the PoW , passes into the language.

The altercation is described as taking place at a karaoke party at Parliament's Sports and Social club. It sounds like a real doozie. I can see the excuses flying:

How did you get that black eye?
At a karaoke party at the PoW Sports and Social club!

Where did you meet such a slapper, he(she) is just so not your type?
At a karaoke party at the PoW Sports and Social club!

Where did you say the minister stood on the table, hitched her skirt into her knickers, danced in the Cossack style and sang the red flag?
At a karaoke party at the PoW Sports and Social club!

Snuff will no longer be kicked about at wakes it will head straight for - a karaoke party at the PoW Sports and Social club!

Well, in Hard Times it's good to know someone is having fun - and where would that be?
All together now...