Friday, November 05, 2010

Caps for All!

I had a thought the other day, yes I know get the wisecracks out of the way now.

If they are going to cap housing benefit which will take us back to the 1960's, Rackmanism, real suffering, families in bed and breakfast and another generation of .....
Well. you've heard it all before and you still did b****r all.

Why don't we cap tax allowances. Now I'm a wishy washy liberal and would not want to see anyone suffer so would peg this at the personal allowance, as it is, plus very specific allowances related to age, and health. But I suppose some ejit in the treasury is going to say such a move would cause untold suffering to those with grouse moors to support, lots of sprogs to put money in trust for and the creators of wealth..... They would go elsewhere to create wealth. So why don't we say £100k to begin with, just to give us a peg to hang this on. You can use it to claim on superannuation, sprogs or spread it around. Just a thought!