Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Human Love

Even a miserable old bugger like me has a few friends.
They have provided much that I am grateful for. The author Andrei Makine was recommended by a friend and, importantly, he thrust a copy of A Life's Music in my hand.

I enjoyed it, if that was the right word, and on that basis did the usual with the heroes of the Suffolk County Libraries and ordered his latest, Human Love.

It weaves the near present of revolutions in Africa and the 'end of history' with the memories and drivers of affections that carry the characters through life.
... for the first time Elias became aware of the paths that led human beings through revolutions and wars, through life. He grasped that within the most stubborn commitment to the most sublime cause could lie hidden the desire to punish a man who went off with a rival, the memory of an old woman who recited poetry to her window boxes and pity for a dog. (P93)