Friday, August 29, 2008

Beware policemen, bicycles and flickering lights

So they are about to turn the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) on at CERN.
Expect the lights to flicker a bit on the 10 September if all goes according to plan. I shouldn't worry too much though, trust me I'm a string theorist; I can explain everything.

Given the cost of energy at the moment, I would not be amazed to see collections being raised for the Higg's Boson Memorial Fund, (Charity Registration 999666R)

So, I noticed that the Beeb is after promoting the works of the man himself.

Not before time as far as I am concerned.

Still, a word to the wise, I would be a bit wary about any Copper who turned up in the next few weeks wearing a bicycle. Know what I mean?

However, I am wearing my Ruralshire Constabulary t-shirt with pride, though I have not been officially sworn in you understand.

It has caused the goodladywife to collapse in fits of something, it's a while since that occurred!