Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Vehicles to Market

Or how I stopped worrying about economics and made some friends with a couple of black swans.
So a trip to Cambridge to a lecture/discussion given by Nick Davies and John Kelly. Thanks to John Naughton for giving me the heads up on this one.

Nick’s book – Flat Earth News - is, allegedly, quite controversial.

Sets the fox amongst the journo hens or is it chickens. Anyway, my take was interest in the routes to market for processes and products that wish to retain quality, integrity and some sort of social value…. promoting inclusiveness, la la la. Don’t you just wish these wishy washy liberals would piss off and let the rest of us get on with the business of making oodles of boodle?

Up to a point Lord Copper.

John Kelly

seemed overwhelmed by the experience. Perhaps he sounds better on paper. Later, of course, he does here

I did like his post about the rain.

Bloody septic wimp - nice guy though.