Sunday, February 10, 2008

The Wislon Doctrine

Two men stand in the Tower of London.
They are placed either side of one of the many instruments of torture in the room.
One, the smaller of the two, is clearly, cravenly, nervous constantly taking his glasses off and polishing them on his tie. His hand moves to his collar frequently, emphasising his scrawny neck. This gives the impression of a turkey hearing the sound of carols. Let's call him the Man of Straw(MoS). The other exudes a weary air. Clearly he is burdened, his large frame seems to bear a great, invisible, weight. Let's call him the Preoccupied Man (PM).

MoS twitters:
Did we have to carry out my three monthly performance assessment here PM?

PM intones
Jack, I thought it might concentrate the mind, a little.We must have Dick Cheney here if he ever makes it across the pond. I know some of my friends from an earlier time are looking forward to having him arrested after he swims across!

Now to business, what’s all this I hear about bugging. You know the doctrine, no bugging the boys and girls. At least not without giving us the copyright on the juicier bits, only joking Jack!

But you told me to do it PM, you said, right there in cabinet. I think I have the high ground here PM and witnesses.

Well Jack thanks to a little help from some of my, er, colleagues I have a recording here of the exact phrase.

PM presses what looks like a mobile phone with iPlod printed on the side.
A jumble of voices then comes PM’s unmistakeable and stentorian voice.

Well bugger the Muslim MPs!