Friday, February 22, 2008

The Dalai Lama Gang!

We can all be unreliable witnesses.

I was listening, with half an ear, to a recording of an interview with Mr Shrub conducted by Matt Frei on the 14 February 2008. I heard Mr Shrub refer to the

Dalai Lama Gang!

Such images:

The 14th reincarnation wearing a wife beater, displaying lots of tatts, a hairnet over his bald pate, mean and menacing, giving hand signals, surrounded by hard guys from the hood but still managing to look like a startled owl!

Yo! Panchan baby gimme some skin?

Bitchin! Lets go tag those PLA Tanks, mother f*****g butt kissers.
Why they wear such big hats?

I thought I had better check this out. The transcript is here

and the relevant section records the leader of the free world, a certain Mr Shrub:

There's a lot of issues that I suspect people are gonna, you know, opine, about during the Olympics. I mean, you got the Dali Lama crowd….

Ah well! It was a nice thought while it lasted.