Sunday, March 26, 2006

Our Time Will Come

Article in The Grauniad 24/3/06 by Banksy about the cleanup of Melbourne street art prior to the games. He suggests that a similar process will be visited on London.
The precedent set by Melbourne does not bode well for London in the build-up to the 2012 Olympics.
I greatly enjoyed Banksy's book of the same name. A family member received it as a present and was generous or compassionate enough to share it with me over Christmas. I must confess to being ambivalent about the question of graffiti. It is great to see it and it is, sometimes, truly wonderful. If it was my wall that it was painted on I might not feel so inspired.

Seen on the side of Old College Edinburgh in the 70's;
Ken- Ken More
probably written by Gordon Brown after a few pints.

I've never seen this one in the wild but it adorns our fridge courtesy of magnetic poetry!
Read the truth, write it on a wall!
So, a legend in its own lunchtime, might leave it for the landlord who owns the fridge!