Saturday, July 03, 2021

Pimp My Barbie?!


One of my inlaws has a weakness (... where in god’s name is this going...Ed?)
As I was saying,  he enjoys alfresco cooking on a huge device which he refers to as the KJ. It is red and would give you the horrors if you met it in a dream. It looks more like a nuclear device than a BBQ++. I was reading my favourite Obscene Publication - The FT’s HTSI ( I can only caution again. Some people might read this gibberish and dob you in to the peelers. I have my professional position to consider as well as a growing family...Ed.) How to spend it, p 57 since you ask. In the Technopolis Column, by Jonathon Margolis, is a review entitled The Big Smoke - An all-American, app connected,  wood-fire cooking monster.
At the end he points out that he likes a YouTube video by Kosmo’s Q BBQ & Grilling store in Oklahoma City  (other stores are available and we’ll name them unless our fee is paid in bitcoin, promptly ...Ed) It suggests what they call a spot of “redneck  engineering” to do the trick, the stripy thing with the meat!
In a much more douce, pastoral, and vegan manner here is a photo I took this morning.
(So much better for our image ...Ed.)

I’m All Ears!