Wednesday, July 28, 2021

A Joyful Week for Some.


We met up with some friends at Minsmere for a walk and a picnic. The sky was overcast, the sea was a muddy brown, the tide was in but the day warm enough  to light  a glow in us. We have not seen our friends or many others for some time (Isn’t your other friend in Australia...Ed?) and it did feel good just to chat!
I had my first real meeting of the Avid Crime Readers yesterday since 2020 and again I enjoyed the experience of being with people.  As I’m sure you can guess, we did not spend much of the time discussing the book. I’m certain I made some of the points below but again it was good just to talk, face to un-masked face. In preparation for our email meeting I had set out a few notes. You may be interested - yes you at the back!
Ian Rankin - In a House of Lies. 2018
Back in the game again. It's like a big cup of tea and a slice of chocolate cake! Straight  into the tapestry of the plot,  first the body, then Siobhan, the new team, Foxy and finally the wiley coyote himself, Rebus. As prickly as a pear and obscure as a dreek Sunday afternoon in February on Carlton Hill.
The plot developed  with sufficient complexity to hold my attention and provide  enjoyment. I'm not sure it would be the same for a first time buyer. However, there is a quality to the description of people and places that fills expectations from Rankin. A convoluted affair but life is seldom pure and never simple. That would be an apt thing to chisel onto Rebus's headstone. The characters have developed, Shiv and Foxy heading uncomfortably to middle age and John wheezing his way down the coughing road to that headstone. The supporting cast is well drawn with the 'Chugalugs' and Big Ger yet again  sufficiently believable that you could draw twirly black mustaches on them and get away with it. The reveal(s) and resolutions are just, immoral,  or amoral as you wish but they gave a satisfactory ending to a wet Sunday afternoon. Now where is that chocolate cake?

(Can I congratulate you, things seem to be on the up. The corvid business has served you well...Ed.)
But not many others and mind you don’t get your feet wet in that downpour!