Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Shy and retiring

Never mind about the open necked shirt;  20 years without a proper job came to an end  yesterday with a suitably small celebration. My eye was taken by a card bearing the caption "Stuff Work" showing 3 individuals suitably dressed for the beach circa 1920, jumping in the air for joy or whatever. It was in our local Oxfam secondhand bookshop. As the Catholics would say: - a dangerous occasion of sin. Luckily we escaped with the family coffers reduced by less than £10. I bought Absolution by Olaf Olafsson as a treat because he appears in an interview used for teaching by herself. I could see it was desired along with the 2 Scandithrillers that she purchased for serious cash money!

Shadow work.
An idea used by Ivan Illich, in his 1981 book.

I shall continue as a shadow worker!
(Ah get on with you. Any excuse to sit on your fat backside philosophising, with the parsnips unbuttered, the dishes in
the sink and more maunderings per square foot than that man McGonagall...Ed)