Saturday, March 17, 2012

One that nearly got away.

I become a caricature of myself. I could have sworn I put this link somewhere safe after 2 or 3 people included me in their loops!
I'm sure I'll find it one day at the bottom of a list of bookmarks, the electrons slightly moldy and the  HTML somewhat arcane and charming. However, the Interweb being what it is I was able to summon forth like Gabriel or was it Gladriel?  Anyway, for those who care, Cultural Equity have an online archive of the work of Alan Lomax  here.

Mr Wikipedia holds that 
Alan Lomax (January 31, 1915 – July 19, 2002) was an American folklorist and ethnomusicologist. He was one of the great field collectors of folk music of the 20th century, recording thousands of songs in the United States, Scotland, England, Ireland, the Caribbean, Italy, and Spain.
They have digitised a lot of the  fields he collected and it is possible to get lost in them, pleasantly.
Storing fields must have been murder before digitisation! (Enough or I am sure some of your regular readers will have you planted in one of them...Ed!)