Saturday, March 24, 2012

Homer's Willy

No doubt being the recondite bunch that you are you will all (6 on average...Ed?) be familiar with Chapman's Homer or even, for the followers of the Little Horses, Chapman's homer.
Well it gets worse. Mr Forsyth, The Inky Fool, has a discussion of the origin of the name of Troy based on an article in the London Review of Books. He then spoils the whole tone of the matter by claiming
... it gives me such puerile pleasure that I thought I should reproduce it here so that you, dear reader, can snigger.
You will not get that kind of cheapskate faux intellectual bollix here, scholarship and integrity, accept no substitute!
It's no use perorating about polyphloisboia  or even in a polyphloisboian manner. The damage is done.
(There, there, don't upset yourself. You know the cardiologist warned against that. Away and have your rashers and tea, lashings of tea... Ed!)