Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Still Voices

It is difficult in the present turmoil to get a handle on sanity and keep a firm hold for fear of finding something worse. No doubt we will be subjected to the whys and wherefores enunciated by politicians for some time to come or at least until the next dreadful thing.

Did you see Harriet winding Micky the Gov(e) up on Newsnight? There is a partial transcript here with commentary by Nicholas Watt on his Grauniad blog. I often refer to the quality of being able to wind up a quartz watch. She demonstrated it in spades. My, theatrical, take on this exchange was that she pushed his buttons to the point where he verbally lashed out, effectively loosing it. She then sat back and took it on the chin to show what a bore and a bully he is. The picture of someone so far up himself, enunciating very precisely, clearly and in clipped tones the reason why he is glowing with indignation like a Japanese reactor did not inspire confidence. This is a man with his finger on the pulse. Sadly, in a family blog like this, before the watershed, I am not able to disclose where that pulse is.

The excellent Mr Naughton has a very clear perspective on the context of the 'recreational looting' in his blog, here.
He makes a plea for
...a serious attempt to understand what underpins the current crisis.
If we don’t learn from it then we’re screwed.
We are screwed.
Comfort? There is none unless we act. It's going to be slow but let's start now!