Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Poor Kids

BBC 1 broadcast a programme last night with the title Poor Kids.
You may have missed it, you may have chosen to miss it.
It is here for the next 7 days.

Jezza Neumann, the director, has blogged about it here.

The programme presents the reality for many of the 3.5 million children living in poverty in the UK in their own words. I know it pales set against the poverty and horror of the lives of children around the world.

We live in this country, we have the vote, we consume, we are part of civic society. We can do something! If we do not, the ghosts of these children and their stories will come back to haunt us in our unquiet graves and be a shadow on our children and their lives.

At one point Sam is asked about food, going without, and hunger when there is no dinner (lunch in Islington). He replies with bright eyed, proud, honesty that he has learned to save up his hunger!

There's prudence.