Friday, December 05, 2008

There have been birthdays and tea.

The mother in law and herself have birthdays very close together. This results in an irrational exuberance of birthday cakes, chocolate, and the odd bottle of Cava..1,3,5,7,9... etc. Oh, the old jokes are the best.Cake
Herself is very partial to the New Internationalist One World Calendar, not being a quantum mechanic, string theorist or having any interest in the many universes theory! She usually gets one from me for xmas or birthday.
The pictures are always a joy and an affirmation of beauty and humanity. I would not be offering a product placement link if they weren't. However, especially in these straightened times, it seems a great shame that the images have only a month to inspire us. So in the spirit of recycling I added a purpose made frame with easy access to enable the best of the past years pictures to be displayed when I sent in my birthday order. (I heard you at the back, cheapskate indeed! I'll have you know I am a man that fears not to put his hand into his trouser pocket!)
The frame was used for the first time last night. A fine picture of a camel being given a drink from a blue tea pot. A real cracker!

I don't know if camels drink tea? Why not. More people should drink tea, lashings of tea. There would be less trouble in the world if we all sat down a bit more and shared a pot of tea with each other! Mind you, world peace and justice would help of course and the eradication of poverty and most diseases! Still in the meantime, share a pot of tea with some one, possibly even a camel.