Monday, December 15, 2008

Goodbye to the Shrub.

So farewell then Mr Brush. Keith's mum said that it wasn't very nice of them to throw shoes at you after all you have done for Iraqistan.

I suppose it is inevitable that we are disappointed in our politicians. Personally, I think one of the greatest put downs in Parliament was delivered by Jimmy Maxton to Ramsey Mac on the occasion of his " last meandering, incoherent speech" allegedly:-

"Sit down, man, you're a bloody tragedy."

Now, who is going to say that to Gordie as he maunders his way through the last days. Please god not the Beast of Balls Over.

A final thought. Dubya must be thanking his lucky stars that the Brits never instructed their Iraqistan partners how to play cricket and throw a wicket down at 30 paces!