Thursday, October 16, 2008

Voodoo Computing

It's really strange how ideas have their time. Voodoo computing was the subject of an article by Charles Arthur on the Grauniad tech website.

This has come at the end of a little computing saga of my own. For some time emails from the secret government department that I represent, but could not name because then I would have to surcharge you, have been on the fritz. Attachments from some colleagues have disappeared! The lectrons were duly input to one computer and then whizzed by the miracle of lectricity and the GPO's equipment to my computer where they were found seriously lacking in the attachments department. Enquiries by me caused responses along the lines that the problem was - my end!
Quite so Lord Copper but my inadequacies in that regard, not unusual in a man of my age and social background, are nowt to do with the email thingies.
An expert opinion was sought and the voodoo view expressed that it was something to do with firewalls and virus protection. This might have a bearing on the case as I had recently had a flu jab. Still it did seem unlikley and I could see no good reason why. Rejecting voodoo computing for the wisom of crowds I entered
Where are my f.....g email attachments you thieving electronic bastard?"
into the gooble box and the answer came back as a first hit. Outlook or Outlook Express, made by Microsoft the well known purveyors of fine software, takes attachments to emails coded in HTML stuff and puts them into code which is not always recognised by us plain text Jimmys.

Hapily, we are properly attached and discretely visible once more.

Now, where did I put that flash drive with the details of the overseas investors. I'm sure I had it with me in the pub last night!