Thursday, April 03, 2008

Two men in burkas

In the departure lounge at Harare Airport two men in burkas approach each other. The smaller, slightly rotund figure, extends a black hand from the garment. It shows the arm of a well tailored suit, the cuff of a very expensive shirt, fixed by a diamond cuff link.
John so nice to see you!
The second, larger figure, is slightly shambling and the white hand that he extends is large and clothed in the arm of a dusty jacket.
Robert! Fancy meeting you here. Where are you off to?
Well, John, I have just been offered a position in Asia by my sponsors. It involves some interventions on governance and control. It's good to know that, even at my age, I can still make positive a contribution. You must come and visit me if it is not too cold for you or perhaps we could meet up in Beijing?
A voice announces over the PA system
The next flight to depart from Harare International Airport is Cathay Pacific Flight 666 to Lhasa
John waves to the turning figure and calls after him:-

I rather prefer the climate in the Hague at this time of year and the tulips of course. I believe they have produced a new bulb. It's called justice! Perhaps you would like to drop in and see it?