Sunday, January 06, 2008



A picture of one of our local beeches in summer. The subject previously of a poor pun in English and Spanish.

As you can see, it offers a space where sheep can safely snooze and passers by can wonder, if they have a mind to.Winter

Revisiting it this winter revealed the same tree without leaves, still an impressive organism.

Richard Preston has written:

"The Wild Trees: A Story of Passion and Daring" Random House, 2007

This is a “narrative non-fiction” about the giant redwoods and those that climb them. An interesting read if you accept the form it is in. The trees are enormous, some being 100 metres or more. We might have an idea of this length on the ground, but vertically? Maybe 5 to 6 times the height of my pet beech above.

These are trees that can live to over a thousand years, have survived fire and the storms ripping off the Pacific into of northern California.

Perhaps the most interesting part of the book was the glimpse of the habitat of the canopy, its biodiversity and complexity. A lost world?