Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The Game Theory

So our Vic went off on one in the local parish magazine. It might not be obvious from these scratchings but I have no allegiance to any religion or other irrational leanings.

The local parish is a civil construct and it promotes a rag which finds itself delivered into the 300+ homes in the locality. Sadly, or otherwise, the Vic of the established kirk feels the need to deliver his thoughts to the parish (- Parish?) through the rag. The Baptists appear to have abandoned the scene some time ago and the Methodists congregate in the next village.

The Vic, who styles himself as Team Rector, appears

"No too fond of the mongs." as our friends from Leith would say.

That is my opinion of his view of a TV programme about Game Theory and Nash the mathematician.

Nash may have had many problems - these did not, as far as I am aware, affect the quality and value of his work or the fact that however flawed, he shared a common humanity.

If I were paranoid I might think that Rowan has sent out a pastoral letter to suggest that the CoE attack scientists, mathematicians and rationalists to get some purchase against the likes of "Serious Dawkins" and take the heat off the Monty Python flavoured debate about sexuality. That would be absurd, obviously!

I found his article citing "The Game Theory" as much use as mine might be about "The Religion" or "The Christianity".

One approach in "Game Theory" has always struck me as having something for us all to consider in our lives. This is the "Tit For Tat" strategy in the "prisoners' dilemma". As the name suggests, it is a reactive strategy but only after the first move or gesture, which is always the equivalent of the open hand (of peace or co-operation?)

This is not a strategy to win, wipe the board clean, or even take the moral or spiritual high ground and look down, witheringly, on the lesser mortals, infidels or "mongs" below.

It is a way for individuals, groups, and populations to live in equilibrium with each other. I suppose the"Big Yin" would have it as "do as you would be done by" with the rider that if you are done get your retaliation in first!

It avoids the tragedy of the commons in civil society and offers a way to contain and neutralise those that would oppress us. It does not require us to postulate a "relationship with a supreme being" to justify our actions or give value and respect to humanity. It may all seem like enlightened self interest to you Vic. Life, for me anyway, is too short to worry about irrational beliefs.