Wednesday, April 08, 2020

Chris Goodall - What we need to do now

For a zero carbon economy.

Another good E- one from the Quarantinies in the Library at SLIPS. Coronated or not.
I have been impressed by the email that Chris Goodall sends round every Sunday evening to highlight the items from the week's news which have caught his eye concerning energy, its use, generation and especially the ideas that would lead to a ‘zero carbon world’. This book is a drawing together of his thoughts for such by 2050! I’m often delighted by books thinking, sometimes quite wrongly, yes that’s the way to do it. However, this seems to set out a way through the woods or out of the  coal mine or capping the oil well, if you must.  Hard to fault any of the ideas except perhaps the projects for geo engineering which I guess I would not be around to see or see any of the problems that they might cause. The ideas on a carbon tax look good to me but any tax system would be bent and twisted by the gougers, avoiders and evaders while, as always, those who could afford it the least would be affected the most. Two short legs if I may be so bold. There is much room to roll out energy efficiency on a very large scale I suppose taxation bears on that directly. I do like his analysis of the threadbare insulation and energy saving programmes of yore. Maybe not worth throwing another log on the fire! A radical upgrade of older  properties north of 50k seems like killing 3 birds with one stone, excellent, pardon my enthusiasm. So much of our future lives will depend on the interweb and its infrastructure, efficiency and availability but we do need to guard against creating an alternative energy devouring monster of server farms, cloud computing and energy expensive elements.