Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Flake News

Have you been troubled by Flake News recently?

Do you feel bloated?
Do you suffer from hair loss?
Do you find yourself subject to insurmountable urges and rages?
Are you afflicted by mood swings?
Has your skin taken on a strange orange pallor?

You may be suffering from  FLAKENEWS!!
This condition can also cause disruption of sleep, rational thought, digestive functions, family and sexual relations.

If you have been affected by any of the above you should seek the advice of a registered medical practitioner. 

Help is available and you may, if you wish, contact Flakeanon a support group for those with the condition or their families, loved ones, political affiliates and persons providing financial services.

Please contact our agents on the Island of Ben Nevis!

(Dear god! No posts for months and then this, this Farage of Alt Facts and Remainer Hokum. It must be the heat...Ed)

I don't need a weather man to tell me which way the wind blows! As someone once said.