Thursday, July 05, 2012

Gombeen Men

I watched Bob Diamond being 'grilled' by the Treasury select committee yesterday. I'm sure in the rough, tough, macho world of fearless reporting words like grilled are used in the belief that they convey the full heft and majesty of one of the organs of our democratic assembly relentlessly seeking the truth. Not so, I was reminded of someone being savaged by a dead sheep which, I believe, is an image conjured before. As far as applying intense heat to a lump of meat in order to soften and produce a more acceptable dish, I saw no evidence. Rather, I saw Diamond Bob working on his very elegant tan, breaking off from time to time to ask the committee members to rub a little more of the 20million into his shoulders. That winsome, boyish smile, that little movement with the lips to reveal a pleasing toothy grin, how could anyone doubt his sincerity, his dignity, his integrity.

And we are going to have a Parliamentary Enquiry?

Remember it is your money that the bu**er is walking away with.
If he was a rioter who had stolen water he would be in some interview room down Tottenham Nick with Inspector Knacker having the full panoply of the law applied to his soft and squashy bits.

(Such anger in one so young and so early in the morning. You haven't had your breakfast have you? Now you know the importance of the inner man, keep the bag filled and stay off the red meat or we will be making another appearance by popular demand in A&E...Ed)