Thursday, November 24, 2011

Risk! What Risk?

A Mr Krugman writes in his sometimes technical but always enlightening blog that he concurs with a Mr Haldane of the Bank of England. The latter opines that much of the present crisis may be put down to the increased appetite of the banking classes for risk, high risk, the risk of a high-wire act. Whyfor should such said classes of person subject themselves to danger of this kind. My own view is that the present system of remuneration among these folk (based on greed, avarice and the existence of schemes for the avoidance of redistributive taxation) encourages, nay handsomely rewards, the beggars and of course our leaders our own dear democratically elected leaders shuffle the blame, cost and pain for this on to our heads, hearts and wallets.

I think I will join Mr Krugman in vegetable chopping therapy.