Wednesday, January 24, 2007

There May Be No St David's Day Holiday

not exponential

The count I recorded at the site below on the 24/1/07 @ 15:04 was 9061. This, as you may remember, is the petition that there should be no replacement for Trident. The graphic above indicates how the those dedicated to eliminating weapons of mass destruction enjoyed themselves over the Xmas period! Not quite the exponential growth I would have liked to see.

Our little band of brothers and sisters against nasty weapons were being led by a petition to make St David's Day a public holiday - count at roughly the same time 9153.
So get to the petition and sign you beggars or there may be no national holidays for any of us, except possibly the ants! I wonder who their patron is?

We have to the 17 Feb. A few hundred thousand would be a nice poke in the eye for a retiring politician and his replacement!