Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Art Theft

Times may be hard but not that hard. I have just read Sandie Nairne’s book of the same name.

It concerns the theft and recovery of 2 paintings from the Turner Bequest.
The thieves were apprehended, as they say, and banged up in chokey. The paintings were not recovered for some time and then only after excruciating and complex negotiations.
Some gambolling thoughts.
Sandie Nairne must have the patience of a recently canonised stoic.
Geoffrey Robinson, whom god should preserve, is to be blessed on the basis of the tale and his part in it.
A Mr Robert Hiscox, insurer of this parish, played a blinder by whipping into line a motley crew of underwriters, understrappers and underlings. (Note to Self:- find out what he did and we will do it to the bankers?!)
We are assured that all was done honestly, decently, truthfully and we have no reason to doubt that. We should, indeed, be extremely grateful to all the good guys and gals. A truly wonderful part of our art heritage was gorne and is now, prodigal like, with us once more. I have to declare an interest at this point and say that I have been known to gaze at J.M. W’s. product (for several hours at a time but only in the privacy of certain galleries that shall remain nameless.)
All this good work has to be set against the possibility that a part of the money paid legally and justifiably for information to facilitate the return of the paintings will end up in the hands of criminals. Not necessarily eccentric toffs but drug dealers, gun runners, people traffickers, and money launderers.
Never simple is it?
Meanwhile if anyone is interested in acquiring a reproduction by some continental underachiever contact me at BPArt through the usual channels. It’s a bit dusty and has been clogging up the attic at The Towers for about 20 years now. Not very well composed, one of the 3 figures is sitting with his back to the audience. The Dutch dauber has tried to liven it with a few birds and paintings within the painting but it doesn’t do much for me. We used to have it in the downstairs loo but Lady BP said it exacerbated her constipation. I know what she means. No reasonable offer refused.