Sunday, October 30, 2011

Is Rubberman Losing it?

I know it is unworthy. I know it is kicking a man when he is down. My benefit of a good catholic education is thereby cast away but I could not prevent myself thinking the unthinkable. The FT headlined a story:-
Cameron argues more women in the boardroom would lead to curb on pay.
(FT Weekend Front Page 29/10/11)
Now was he suggesting that women on top would be more responsible or was he suggesting that the ladies could be had for less?

Oh dear, mixed messages! It is only a matter of time before the WI comes after you Dave. Look what happened to Tony Blair. Do you really want to stand in front of a polite audience of women, mums and grans, generating gigawatts of righteous indignation. I think we might see more damp patches than those under the arms.