I had a spare moment to plough through the instapaper list that I keep and that keeps nagging away at my tool bar.
I came across a reference to the obit of Mary Fedden in the Grauniad.
I'm sure I marked this because of the picture that appeared with it, but if I am honest I can't think why. However, the Feather and Two Stones sparked a train of thought along the lines of:-
The birds have had a hard spring and early summer. Some of the blackbirds are wandering around the garden in a daze; bedraggled and with feathers hanging out. I'm sure if I was a twitcher I would be able to explain it. The weather, the cats, the overpopulation due to St Claire feeding everything in sight, twice a day, I've no idea. But we do see a lot of feathers! it would be nice to record some of the patterns and colours. And the flutterbyes, don't start me off on the mariposal road!I was enjoying this thought going down the list of links when I saw one to The Painting Fool. God knows how or why it got there but it did and I thought - apposite - to say the least! Not bad for a bit of old code. But then aren't we all just a bit of old code? Soft, squishy and set in lumps of carbon that evolved for a few billion years but there you go; can't say fairer than that. Have a look yourself and see what you think!