Justus ut palma florebit ; sicut cedrus Libani multiplicabitur.
Psalm 91: 13, 14 for Catholics;
Psalm 92:11-13 for followers of King James;
for we are nothing if not sectarian.
Cedars and just men seem to be in short supply in the area at the moment.
The horror of what is happening is beyond belief but reinforced daily by pictures and reports.
To put a further emphasis on the obscenity I hear the drone of planes daily to and from Mildenhall.
Where is Masefield's Quninquireme now.
Rowing home to haven in sunny Palestine?
I doubt its cargo would contain ivory, apes and peacocks,
Sandalwood, cedarwood, and sweet white wine.
It does not make a difference if a child's life is cut short by what comes out of a Katyusha or an F16 or if it just dies of starvation and terror. It is still a smaller, meaner and more terrible world when that happens.
Somebody makes these weapons, sells them and uses them!