So then Uncle Fidel, been a bit poorly lately.
Well it catches up with us all, believe me. You'll just have to cut down those interminable speeches.
You may not remember but I did say hello 25 years ago.
I still have the poster: -
No los olvidaremos, queridos y entranables amigos.
I will not forget you but I'm not sure how the rest of them will remember.
I have to admit I was, as is frequently the case, under the affluence of incahol.
The best Cuban rum I have ever tasted before or since.
I was wandering around the park in Habana quite happy and mellow and there you were.
In the front seat of a jeep, surrounded by oficionarios and guardespaldas.
As I waved and said hello one of the said guardespaldas picked me up bodily, gently and with no malice, and set me down out of the path of the jeep.
Although I probably only weighed 95 kg at the time and had only reached the height of 1.82m
your man had no difficulty in moving me out of harms way.
I wish you well in recovery. Perhaps you have done evil in your life and you don't have the benefit, like Che, of dying a hero before the hard bit. I do think you have done some good in the world.
Who knows how long it would have taken to defeat apartheid without Cuba's intervention!
No los olvidaremos querido y entranable amigo.